The Greenest, The Meanest and The Wiliest
I am Blue Green Algae. I am the meanest and most of all wiliest algae in your lake
Test your knowledge by ticking off all you already know.
I can do things no other algae can do such as:
☐ | When the conditions are right, I can bloom – magnificent and sometimes massive blooms! |
☐ | The toxins I produce in a bloom can detach from the bloom and can travel through the water |
☐ | My blooms and my toxins can be in one place at breakfast and be a kilometer away by supper |
☐ | My toxins are invisible to the naked eye |
☐ | I am almost the only algae that can move up and down in the water to different depths |
☐ | When the oxygen level in your lake gets too low and phosphorus is released from the sediment at the bottom of the lake, I can move down to feed on that Phosphorous |
☐ | I use that Phosphorous to create my blooms |
☐ | My blooms can keep people and pets away from the lakes |
☐ | I can make people sick and even kill pets |
☐ | I poison fish and get right into their muscles |
☐ | If you boil the water with my toxins in it, I go airborne |
☐ | No domestic water treatment will eliminate my toxins |
How did you score?
- 1-6 Points – Congratulations you made the effort! (Hint: Now that you know all answers take the test again and then tell your friends the new score)
- 7-9 points – You have been paying attention!
- 10- 12 points – Wow you are a Science Rock Star!
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