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Propane Group Buy – KLCOA/RLCA Video Conference

The KLCOA will host a video conference on Tuesday, May 30 from 7:30 to 8:30 pm to explain how the KLCOA/RLCA Propane Group Buy works and the process to join. Our lead contact at Superior Propane, Jeff Voyer, will lead the discussion.

The KLCOA/RLCA Superior Propane Group Buy Program has been active for ten years. It is generally agreed that this has resulted in more favourable rates/terms for participants (as well as for customers of other propane suppliers).

Last fall, Superior Propane bought Highlands Propane. Unfortunately, it was too late for the former Highlands Propane customers to join the KLCOA/RLCA Propane pricing group for the 2022-2023 season, but these customers will be eligible to participate for the coming year. The process to join the group for existing Superior Propane customers is relatively simple.

We will also explain the benefits and process to join for KLCOA/RLCA members installing propane for the first time, and those potentially interested in joining the group who are now with other propane suppliers (which entails switching out tanks and having a safety inspection performed).

Please email Propane Group Buy Coordinator Tayce Wakefield at to participate in this call.

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