Protecting our lakes today and for future generations – Bitter, Burdock, Coleman, Little Redstone, Long (Tedious), Pelaw and Redstone Lakes.


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2024 Photo Contest

ENTER TO WIN a Mug Featuring the Winning Image!

Send us your best photo from the summer of 2024 for a chance to win. Show us how you have been spending your days at the cottage.

Winner will be announced March 15, 2025

CLEAN, DRAIN and DRY Your Boat

Motors, boats, and Ontario’s ecosystems can be ruined by zebra mussels and other aquatic invasive species. Take a few simple steps to preserve our lakes and fisheries: CLEAN off any plants or debris, DRAIN bilges and ballast water, and DRY any wet areas of your boat.

Fire Ban & Fireworks

This summer has been off to a smoky start. Smoke from wildfires in Quebec is causing hazy conditions while dry weather conditions expose us to our