Protecting our lakes today and for future generations – Bitter, Burdock, Coleman, Little Redstone, Long (Tedious), Pelaw and Redstone Lakes.


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Watch your wake to protect our shorelines

Did you know that boat wakes can erode our shorelines? The wave action created by boats moving at high speeds can wash away shoreline soils. Shoreline erosion damages waterfront properties and adds sediment to our lake, which can harm fish and their habitat. Please remind your friends and family to reduce their boat speed within 30 m of any shoreline. Learn more here


FOCA is very proud to launch the new Be #WakeAware campaign, together with our partners at the Muskoka Lakes Association and Safe Quiet Lakes. Boaters need to be #WakeAware to ensure ALL lake or river users are able to enjoy the water safely and sustainably. Any wake near shore can cause issues for loons, docks, shorelines, swimmers, and other small craft users. Large wake users are encouraged to take their fun to the middle of large lakes. Avoid narrow, shallow, or near-shore areas, and watch behind you to understand your wake impact. All small powerboat users can help, too, by always reducing speed to 10 km/hr or less within 30m of shore, and by getting up to plane quickly when transitioning from slow to high speed. We all have a role to play in being #WakeAware.

Do your part: Please visit the campaign webpage, share the link and #WakeAware hashtag on your own social networks, websites, and community groups, and circulate this message to everyone you know who loves the waterfront in Ontario:

Learn more about boating safety

Download our informative (PDF) documents below. Your knowledge about boat safety makes our cottage community a better one.

Watching your Wake

Those of us with our pleasure craft licence studied specific rules of the water geared to safe & responsible boating; most of us are familiar with general boat safety & etiquette. We may not be as familiar with the impact of boat wake. Click here to download or view the PDF online.

Private Buoy – Signage Guide

Private Buoy – Signage Guide. Click here to download or view the PDF online.

RLCA Safe Boating Guide

RLCA Safe Boating Guide cira 2009 – Click here to download or view the PDF online.

An Owners Guide to Private Buoys

An Owners Guide to Private Buoys. Click here to download or view the PDF online.

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