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Get those *!@# geese off your lawn!

Let’s face it, they’re a nuisance. They deplete the grass, make a lot of noise, can be quite vicious – especially if there are goslings to protect – and leave behind toxic presents that you have to pick up quickly, before they end up in your toddler’s mouth, or the lake.

But how to discourage them from lunching on your lawn?

Here are 3 ideas:

Solution 1: Create a 3′ or wider strip of high grasses, plants and shrubs along your shoreline. From the water, the geese won’t be able to see that there’s a restaurant on the other side. And even if they find your lawn, they won’t like it as much: they prefer an environment where they can constantly scan for dangers to them or their vulnerable young ones. Your shoreline barrier potentially hosts stalkers who fancy fresh geese for their dinner.

This needn’t involve much work: just stop mowing, and let nature do its thing. Tall grasses, flowers and bushes will happily flourish, especially given the proximity to water. Or you can take matters into your own hands and select plants that you find in nurseries, on roadsides, or on your neighbour’s property. (No, strike that last suggestion.) Just make sure that what you’re planting has some height and heft to it and isn’t invasive. Phragmites, for example, are a no-go. And you’ll want to avoid blocking your own view of the lake.

As a bonus, the barrier will soak up extra nutrients from your septic and gardens, before they make it to the lake and promote algae growth.

Solution 2: Let most of your lawn grow. Keep some areas trimmed for lawn chairs, play sets, and paths, but allow it otherwise to develop some height. Geese won’t be interested.

Solution 3: Get a pet alligator.

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