Better for the Lake; Better for You: Native plants and naturalized shorelines are better for the environment, the quality of our water and easier on you as they require less maintenance. They have adapted to local conditions and therefore need less fertilizer thereby reducing chemical runoff and they live longer. They save you time and money versus mowing the lawn or putting in hardscape. Also, your manicured lawn will attract Canada Geese, a naturalized shoreline will discourage them from nesting and instead provide cover for desirable wildlife.
There are a number of organizations that are offering native plant kits. They are listed below.

Friends of Ecological and Environmental Learning (FEEL)
When and where: For sale online until March 31, for pickup at Haliburton Highlands Brewery on May 15.
What’s on offer: individual plants (trees, shrubs, and wildflower perennials), or themed bundles (Climate Change Tree bundle, Pollinator bundle, Upland bundle, Shoreline Shrub bundle).

Abbey Gardens
When and where: For sale online until April 19, for pickup at Abbey Gardens on the Victoria Day weekend (May 22-24).
What’s on offer: Abbey Gardens, in cooperation with CHA, is once again offering their native “garden kits”: the Open Shoreline kit, the Forest Garden kit, and the Pollinator Garden kit.

Haliburton Master Gardeners
Due to restrictions on the use of Head Lake Park until July 31, the Haliburton Master Gardeners sale will not happen this year. But you can check their website for a guide to native species. and for a list of sources of native plants across southern Ontario.

Country Rose Flowers & Garden
13513 Hwy 118 W, Haliburton
Country Rose sells a number of native species; you can see some of the images here, and we’ll post a list on our website of what they provide. If you do some or all of your shopping at Country Rose, please mention that you’d like a confirmation invoice for the raffle: their register receipt doesn’t list details, but they will gladly hand-write a receipt for you indicating what native plant purchases you made.

Grow Wild!
3784 Highway #7, Omemee ON K0L 2W0
In their own words: “At Grow Wild! we specialize in growing native trees and shrubs as well as native plants, wildflowers and herbs for contract growing and various sized plant restoration projects as well as public and private native plant gardens.” Check online for pollinator plant kits (including a Wet/Shoreline Kit) or individual plants, and order by email at, for curb-side pickup starting in May.
The idea and funding for this raffle came from RLCA member Anne Mercer. Many thanks!
Shoreline Tree Preservation By‐law.
The Shoreline Tree Preservation By‐law No. 3505, as Amended, applies to all lands, in the County of Haliburton, that are within 30 metres of a watercourse. The goal is to minimize the destruction of trees, in order to protect our water resources and sustain a healthy natural environment. 8 August 2020
You got questions? We’ve got answers
DOWNLOAD: County of Haliburton Shoreline Preservation – FAQ`s
Information and Misinformation.pdf
Click below to find Fact Sheets, letters of support from local lake associations, and contact information for Haliburton County Council.
DOWNLOAD: The Facts & The Misinformation – Shoreline bylaw