Want to Restore Your Shoreline but Don’t Know Where to Start?

This year we are happy to announce that we have received a grant from HCDC (Haliburton County Development Corporation) to help develop Shoreline Restoration Capability in Haliburton County with a focus on protecting the water in our lakes and the natural environment in our region. The Redstone Lake Cottagers Association is partnering with the Kennisis […]

The Greenest, The Meanest and The Wiliest I am Blue Green Algae. I am the meanest and most of all wiliest algae in your lake Test your knowledge by ticking off all you already know. I can do things no other algae can do such as: ☐ When the conditions are right, I can bloom […]
Pretty Going Up, Toxic Coming Down

Are Fireworks the Best Way to Celebrate? Fireworks are a tradition that have become synonymous with such events as New Year’s Day, National birthdays, special long weekends like the Victoria Day Weekend or the Labour Day Weekend, football halftime shows, concerts and festivals. Their loud bangs and colourful displays are exciting and draw huge crowds. […]
KLCOA/RLCA Propane Buying Group

In 2014, a KLCOA committee issued a Request for Proposal to all the propane suppliers in our area, with the objective of getting more competitive pricing. Only Superior responded positively with favourable terms so a Group Buy program was formed with them. RLCA was invited to join several years ago. The group now numbers over […]