Protecting our lakes today and for future generations – Bitter, Burdock, Coleman, Little Redstone, Long (Tedious), Pelaw and Redstone Lakes.


RLCA Celebrating 60 Years Anniversary!

Remember way back then… when we had regattas every summer on the sandy beach? Now we have concerts from our boats and a new website to connect with.

The Pileated woodpecker

The Pileated Woodpecker is a large, mostly black woodpecker native to North America. An insectivore, it inhabits deciduous forests in eastern North America, the Great Lakes, the boreal forests of Canada, and parts of the Pacific Coast. Location: Haliburton OntarioLake: Redstone Lake

In case you missed them

The CBC recently ran a couple of articles of interest to property owners, especially if that property is lakeside. Dandelions! Bees (and other pollinators) depend on them in the early spring. You should probably be eating them too. And without mowing or herbicides (which we know you’re not using, for your lake’s health, right?) you […]

Don’t Spread Invasive Species

Moving boats from one lake to another can spread invasive plant and animal species that harm our lake ecosystems and reduce our enjoyment of recreational activities. For example, the thick mats created by invasive plant species, such as Eurasian Water-Milfoil and Starry Stonewort, can ruin swimming, boating, and fishing. You can help protect our lakes […]

Concert at the Lake


Carl Dixon’s powerful vocals and songs have put him at the forefront of the Canadian rock industry for three decades. RLCA helped spread the word about this awesome concert. Friends, family and pets had a great time watching from the boats. It was the best Summer 2021 Fun.

View it!

Healthy Shoreline Contest

Spend a hundred, win a hundred!
This spring, the RLCA is delighted to be able to offer a ‘Native Plants’ raffle. Purchase a minimum of $100 worth of native plants for your property (especially for your shoreline!), and we’ll add you to the draw for one of 3 $100 prizes.


Safe Boating Awarness Week

Safe Boating Awareness Week Main Image

Since 1995, Safe Boating Awareness Week has been the mainstay of boating safety to over 16 million people who recreate on Canadian waters. We want to remind you of 5 key messages for boating safely….READ MORE Excerpt from Canadian Safe Boating Council